Crisis Management for HR

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Crisis Management for HR

As businesses put proper planning for crisis management caused by external factors, whether revolving around brand, reputation, or economy, most of them omits or give lower importance to internal factors that may cause a crisis to their operations. Internal crisis management revolves around the management of skills and resources, leaders successions, proper re-distribution, allocation or relocation of staff members, and falls within the responsibility of the HR managers. Planning ahead, identifying HR risks, and adapting fast with a proper response plan are key to overcome an HR crisis.


What we cover in HR Crisis Management

  • Assessment, Risk Mitigation & HR Crisis Management Planning
  • Response to HR Incidents & Accidents
  • Mass Resignation of Employees & Directors
  • Succession planning of Key Members
  • Immediate Need of Human Resources
  • High Turn-over of Employees
  • Proper Liaison Between Staff & HR Department
  • External Factors with Direct Effect on HR Performance


Crisis Management for HR

Talents Hub offers its expertise to assist you with the proper planning to overcome any crisis affecting or related to human resources at your organization.

In modern business management practices, crisis management is given a great importance for the wellbeing of the organization, its reputation, its brand, and its team. Crisis management is a set of defined processes and actions which deal with a disruptive and unexpected event, whether of internal or external origin, that threatens or harms the organization, its stakeholders, or employees.

The role of HR in crisis management has been growing in the past decades and is no more the sole responsibility of the QHSE, PR, or Corporate Communications Managers. Nowadays, a sustainable weight is thrown on the shoulders of HR managers in dealing with crisis.

Talents Hub can assist you in the following HR Crisis Management:

  • Current Situation Assessment & Mitigation:

    • Identification of HR Weaknesses and Threats

    • HR Risk Mitigation

    • Staff Behavioral Analysis & Moral

    • Alignment of HR objectives with the company’s objectives (Operational Level, Tactical Level, Strategical Level)

  • Response to HR Incidents & Accidents

  • Response to External Factors affecting HR:

    • Monetary, economical and political

    • Pandemic or of natural origin

    • Act of God, War/Riots…

  • Counter Internal Risks and Factors:

    • Mass Resignation of Employees & Directors

    • Succession Planning of important employees, directors, board members

    • High-turn over of employees

    • Scalability of Procurement (external and internal) and immediate placement of talents in new projects

  • Utilization of modern technology to mitigate and plan HR risks

  • Proper communication, coordination, and liaison between the staff and the HR Department

  • “Employment to Act” and “Ability to Lead” training for senior team members

  • Implement a “Proactive and Open Door Approach” during a Crisis

  • Establish Incident Principles & Priorities

  • Establish a Crisis management hierarchy matrix

  • Follow a comprehensive HR Crisis Management Plan and the use a Standardized Decision-Making Process (with Leader, Administrative Support, Finance Support, Operations & Business Recovery, Risk and Security Compliance, Human Resources, IT, Legal, Marketing and Corporate Communications).

  • Exercises, trainings and drills

Crisis management can be divided into three main phases:

  1. Pre-crisis: which is concerned with prevention, preparation and team preparedness.

  2. Crisis-response: is when HR managers must actually respond to the crisis

  3. Post-crisis: where recovery, reporting, optimization are taken care of

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