Training & Onboarding

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Training & Onboarding

It is usually a mixed topic, yet training and onboarding could entail different materials, activities, engagements, and processes. At Talents Hub, we provide several training programs to organizations HR Managers and their team; and we do offer complete Onboarding plans and programs that can be adapted by the organization to streamline the handover of the job duties to new hire and to reduce his or her learning curve.

What we cover in our Training & Onboarding Services?
  • Technical Training on duties and tasks: How to’s
  • Technical Training on the tools and technology
  • Job Goals, KPIs, and other Metrics
  • Behavioral Skills & Corporate Training
  • Packaged Training & Onboarding Material
  • Onboarding Sessions & Activities
You do need both…

At Talents Hub, we assist organizations in compiling both Training and Onboarding packages for new talents; although these topics refer to two separate things, yet they coexist and aim to fulfill the same purpose, and that is to reduce the learning curve of the new hire and to leverage on his or her performance in the shortest possible time

Professional training usually covers:

  1. The technicalities and details tasks of the job.

  2. Procedures followed to complete tasks

  3. Operating a technology, equipment, or a business tool; basically how to do the job.

  4. How to deliver the output of the job to meet the job goal and KPIs.

  5. Training is usually about the specifics.

Onboarding is about integrating the new hire with the organization’s culture, its employees, its management, and different divisions. It is also known as organizational socialization. It is a management process though which the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors are properly transferred to the new hire to transform him or her to an effective member in the shortest possible way. Proper onboarding leads to higher job satisfaction, improved job performance, greater organizational commitment, and reduction in occupational stress, resignations, and employees turnover.

Onboarding may include:

  1. Introduction of the new hires to the team, the business units and shared services of the organizations, while explaining the role of each

  2. Formal and unformal meetings with organization’s divers teams and managers.

  3. Lectures, videos, printed orientation material, or computer-based orientation session that outline the business, operations, and culture of the organization.

  4. Socialization sessions with the organization’s leaders and key performing employees, who can reinforce the brand values of the organization, its mission, vision, reputation, ethics, social responsibility, its ideals and fundamental practices.

  5. Building a bond between the organization and the new hire.

  6. Explaining the How’s and Why’s of the ethics of the organization, its code of conduct, policies and rules.

At Talents Hub, we assist the HR Managers in integrating onboarding with training programs to come up a holistic approach that reduces the struggle of engaging new employees in their new jobs. It is key to develop the link that ties the new hire to the company.

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